ESG viewpoint: investeren in een eerlijke transitie

Wind Turbine casing opened

Het is essentieel dat we rekening houden met de sociale dimensie bij de overgang naar een koolstofarme wereld. We onderzoeken de investeringsimplicaties van een rechtvaardige overgang.

ESG Viewpoint: A review of the 2023 US proxy season and what to expect in 2024

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2023 saw a record number of shareholder proposals going to a vote but what can we expect in 2024? And what will be the impact of artificial intelligence on boardrooms and businesses? Read more in our latest ESG Viewpoint.

ESG Viewpoint: The cost of gender disparity in Asian companies

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We’ve been engaging with 26 of Asia’s most influential companies on this topic.

Investment conclusions from 2023’s clean energy sell-off

Offshore windfarms

The clean energy index had a tough 2023, but we believe there was an overreaction in markets that didn’t appreciate the nuance of the energy transition.

ESG Viewpoint: Investing in a Just Transition

Wind Turbine casing opened

It’s essential we consider the social dimension as we transition to a low carbon world. We explore the investment implications of a Just Transition.

Carbon capture and storage: opportunities in a burgeoning market

Power plant station next to a nature reserve

CCS has the potential to play a major role in delivering ambitious emission-reduction targets. We run the rule over the marketplace

Meer duidelijkheid en focus op financieel resultaat

Dimu bridge over mountains covered by green forest in Guizhou China

In de 2024 Responsible Investment Outlook leggen we uit waarom milieu-, sociale en governancefactoren belangrijk zijn, hoe we het belang van klantenbehoeften prioriteren en bespreken we onze inspanningen op het gebied van actief aandeelhouderschap in 2024.

ESG Viewpoint: een ‘deep dive’ in de transitie van Japan naar koolstofarm

Traject CO2-afbouw Japan gaat gepaard met de nodige uitdagingen, wat leidt tot belangrijke onzekerheid bij beleggers. Ontdek hoe wij via engagement met bedrijven die onzekerheid omgaan.

ESG Viewpoint: Interpreting climate data for investment portfolios

Wind farm

Climate change and the energy transition will impact the long-term performance of investment portfolios. Here we look at how investors should interpret climate data for managing investment portfolios.

ESG Viewpoint: Diversity in clinical trials  

Lab workers running tests

Despite a clear scientific and commercial imperative, a significant gap between patient and trial populations persists. We explain why diversity in clinical trials matters to investors and explore our engagement with companies.