The peak in rate hikes is an inflection point for bonds

Cross-sea bridge at night

You don’t have to be bearish on the economy to be optimistic on the bond market. Here’s why.

Balancing uncertainty and optimism

Modern footbridge

The slowdown we are all expecting keeps being put off, but how severe will it be when it eventually shows up?

Europese high yield outlook: geruststellend maar tweeledig

Car production line

Tom Southon, geeft een prognose van het wanbetalingspercentage in het Europese high-yield-segment.

Zijn er tekenen van een gestreste consument?

Men working in a restaurant kitchen

Een ‘zachte landing’ komt keer op keer ter sprake en de loftrompet wordt volop gestoken over de vermeende veerkrachtige en goed gepositioneerde consument, maar de Amerikaanse consumptiesector begint haarscheurtjes te vertonen.

Euro high yield default outlook: benign but bifurcated

Car production line

Higher-rated issuers have been able to term-out maturities and maintain healthy liquidity levels.

Huawei-SMIC in the limelight, but more friction ahead

Woman using phone in crowded street

Despite restrictions around access to advanced technology, Huawei’s new smartphone – powered by SMIC chips – sees it back at the fore of 5G enabled devices.

Social norms: the growing bond market that is increasingly delivering impact

Nurse chatting with older woman

The growth in the breadth and depth of the social bond market is impressive, but there’s still more to come.

In Credit Weekly Snapshot – September 2023

Our fixed income team provide their weekly snapshot of market events.

Implications of Zambia’s Sovereign Debt Restructuring 


A landmark deal for Zambia as agreement was reached on restructuring its $6.3bn debt. We explore what it means for other defaulters

Navigating China’s property sector: growth, turmoil and outlook

Cranes constructing skyscrapers

The future of China’s real estate market remains uncertain, depending on economic factors, policy interventions and market sentiment